Information about our shipping costs
The term "shipping costs" includes the costs for postage, packaging and logistics. The shipping costs include the statutory VAT and depend on the type and nature of the product. Please note that individual products may be subject to individual shipping costs. You can find an overview of the possible shipping costs here. The exact amount is displayed in the shopping cart or in the checkout area.
Availability: | DHL (Inland) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 1-3 days |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €6.00 |
from €190.00 | €0.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €0.00 |
Availability: | UPS (Inland) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 1-3 days |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €0.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €6.00 |
from €190.00 | €0.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgut-Versand (Inland) |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €25.00 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 1) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Tschechische Republik, Liechtenstein, Schweiz
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €11.00 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 2) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Andorra, Großbritannien, Italien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €20.00 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 3) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Bulgarien, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Irland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Portugal, Rumänien, Zypern, Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Färöer, Island, Montenegro, Norwegen, Serbien, Ukraine, Weißrussland, Nordmazedonien, Republik Moldau (Moldova), Grönland,
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €22.50 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 4) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
Ägypten, Algerien, Georgien, Israel, Libanon, Libyen, Marokko, Russische Föderation, Syrien, Tunesien, Türkei
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €40.00 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 5) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 3-4 weeks |
Afghanistan, Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Bangladesch, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, China (Volksrepublik), Indien, Indonesien, Irak, Iran, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien, Kambodscha, Kanada, Kasachstan, Katar, Kirgisistan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Malediven, Mexiko, Mongolei, Myanmar, Nepal, Nordkorea, Oman, Ost Timor, Pakistan, Papua-Neuguinea, Philippinen, Saudi-Arabien, Singapur, Sri Lanka, Südkorea, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, USA, Usbekistan, Ver. Arabische Emirate, Vietnam, Macau, Hongkong
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €50.00 |
Availability: | DHL (Zone 6) - kein Sperrgutartikel im Warenkorb |
Delivery time: | 3-4 weeks |
Rest der Welt
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €75.00 |
Availability: | UPS Standard (Zone 3) |
Delivery time: | 1-3 days |
Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Tschechische Republik
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €11.00 |
Availability: | UPS Standard (Zone 4 + 31) |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Dänemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Schweden, Polen, Slowakei, Kroatien, Monaco, Slowenien
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €15.00 |
Availability: | UPS Standard (Zone 41) |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
Ungarn, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Estland, Lettland, Litauen
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €24.00 |
Availability: | UPS Standard (Zone 5) |
Delivery time: | 1-3 days |
Griechenland, Irland, Italien, Portugal, Spanien, Vatikanstadt
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €26.00 |
Availability: | UPS Standard (Zone 6) |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
Norwegen, Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €30.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgut-Versand (Ausland) |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €40.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €45.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €50.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €60.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €65.00 |
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €200.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgutversand Ausland (1) |
Delivery time: | 2-5 days |
(1) - Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Monaco, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Tschechische Republik, Liechtenstein, Schweiz
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €40.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgutversand Ausland (2) |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
(2) - Andorra, Großbritannien, Italien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €45.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgutversand Ausland (3) |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
(3) - Bulgarien, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Irland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Portugal, Rumänien, Zypern, Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Färöer, Island, Montenegro, Norwegen, Serbien, Ukraine, Weißrussland, Nordmazedonien (Macedonia), Republik Moldau (Moldova), Grönland (Greenland)
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €50.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgutversand Ausland (4) |
Delivery time: | 1-2 weeks |
(4) - Ägypten (Egypt), Algerien, Georgien, Israel, Libanon (Lebanon), Libyen, Marokko (Morocco), Russische Föderation, Syrien, Tunesien (Tunisia), Türkei
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €60.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgutversand Ausland (5) |
Delivery time: | 3-4 weeks |
(5) - Afghanistan, Armenien, Aserbaidschan (Azerbaijan), Bangladesch, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, China (Volksrepublik), Indien (India), Indonesien (Indonesia), Irak, Iran, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien (Jordan), Kambodscha, Kanada, Kasachstan (Kazakhstan), Katar (Qatar), Kirgisistan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Malediven (Maldives), Mexiko, Mongolei, Myanmar, Nepal, Nordkorea, Oman, Ost Timor (Timor-Leste), Pakistan, Papua-Neuguinea, Philippinen, Saudi-Arabien, Singapur, Sri Lanka, Südkorea, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, USA, Usbekistan, Ver. Arabische Emirate (Arab Emirates), Vietnam, Macau (Macao), Hongkong
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €65.00 |
Availability: | Sperrgut-Versand (Ausland) |
Delivery time: | 3-4 weeks |
Rest der Welt
Shopping cart value | Shipping costs |
from €0.00 | €300.00 |